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Precision Jet Lighter






MJ-360 this precision Jet Lighter features a grooved comfortable grip and has a flame which can be precisely controlled for a variety of applications. it also has a  hands free lever / safety switch allows you to either use the torch continuously or extinguish the flame.

One click piezo electronic ignition, safe and convenient. Flame and temperature are adjustable, and the maximum temperature reaches up to 1300°C (2400°F). 

This model is especially suitable for use in the kitchen or at the grill for flambe or creme brulee.

One Click Piezo Electronic Ignition
Adjustable Gas Flow Control Valve
Hands-free Lever
Maximum Flame Temperature 1300°C​ (2400°F)
Child Safety Lock
Iroda Pro MJ-360 Applications​

Pro- MJ-360 Butane Jet Lighter is a great little jet lighter which is suitable for a variety of applications, and great for use around the house or start campfires and BBQs. It also used for lighting cigars, capitalizing on the intensity of the flame to light quickly and evenly the large, relatively damp, burning surface of a cigar and many other projects. 

Recommended for:
Acceptable for:

PCBs – Radio-controlled – Indoor lighting – Hobby models – Small appliance – Small engine – Repair – Crafts – Audio systems – Electrical – Marine – Jewelry – Automotive

Precision Flame with Hands Free Lever

This is a modern design for use in the kitchen and for small hobby projects, The precision adjustable flame makes it especially suitable for food applications where flame control is vital for good results.

Quick Refill

This model like all models in the JET LIGHTER series is easily refilled with any brand of butane gas.

Precision Flame Control
The flame strength and type can be controlled by the air flow.

Patented adjustable flame length device, flame range is 0.5 to 1.25 inches.
Air flow Control Valve
When properly aligned, the air flow control valve will allow the MJ-360 to burn at a powerful 1300°C (2400°F) butane blue torch flame.
Wind Resistant Flame​

The MJ-360 jet lighter is highly wind resistant and so it is suitable for outdoor DIY applications.

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